i'm gonna go straight to bed after this post.
basically i'm juz too tired to type out anything
but a great news: i've finished my examz!!!! wow, at last after months of tiring and stressful time, finally i can rest lerrrrr.......
so there goes my holidayz!!!!! yesh!!
today after examz, went out with a couple of frenz to mid valley. they wanted to watch movie, but i have a better idea. i wanna pamper myself with some expensive stuff (i mean, i deserve it ok....) so with liwen and jiajen, we went to the gardens to shop for evening dresses (for pharmnite la whakakakakakaka. jiajen: walao so early buy ah. later fat ady den cant wear.)
gosh, i never knew li wen was as materialistic as i am. both of us were like so fanatic over those designer wears and simply gushing over beautiful gowns. found someone who can join me in shopaholic club at last XD den we went over to midvalley, bought Gelato (superb ice-cream, but quite pricey there. tatz me and liwen XD). walk here walk there and finally reach jusco.
hands itching to shop (and i'm darn sleepy now), saw a nice t-shirt from chic avenue, grab it and headed to the cashier.
next was Marks&Spencer which i reli muz enter for itz chocolates. gawd, i actually found the mint choc that my family and i love soooo much( and which cannot be located at anywhere else ^^) but i din buy it. instead i saw anthr equally delicious choc cookies and bought it for my mom. (thx for everything, mom. u're such a beautiful gift to me. muahx)
next, itz time to hunt for nice clothes. went to many shops and finally settled at ROMP. when i alwayz thought that shop offers only faded jeans and dull colored t-shirts, i realise most of the style i'm looking for are in there!!!!!!! happy!!!! bought two gorgeous blouses (smth sophisticated yet young-looking, i'm dying for this style. lurve ROMP!!!)
prices are reasonable too XD
ok i've to admit, my wallet has a big hole now. (liwen was hinting tmr she wanna go sg.wang. and i'm like' "come on, babe. lets go. shopping queens cant stop 1.)
i dun care. i havent bought nice shoes and accessories yet. XD
normally i reli dun shop like tis, but i'm juz so in the mood for it today!!!!! wargh!!!
went to ss2 for steamboat, but mana tau ady bankcrupt. den went to murni, which has so good business there's only left a place of two for candlelight dinner. and there's 7 of us. so how???? simply find 1 restaurant to eat lorrrr.... whole day walk2 ady wat also can eat de.
and a senior msg me later. " eh juz now u're at murni?" , "ya, i was. how u knw de?" "saw u ler, but not sure coz din wear specs." hmm....
tmr going sg.wang!!!!! lollll!!! enjoy 1st b4 i've to work hard for mpa1.
and i fuckingly hate someone right now. call me rude, i dun care. he's like, half a stalker. come on la, watz the matter with u?? i'm not close with u at all. y ask me for lunch together, ask wat am i doing, ask eat ady anot shit ady anot exam how was it. today i got so pissed off. i din reply him. and he sent 'yerrr no reply de. wat u doing now? outside now?' god, plz make him disappear. i hate ppl who's laidat, esp guyz. probably itz bcoz i have similar experience in KMJ and the whole thg turned out sour. till now i'm stil quite traumatised (it sent chills down on me =( ) whenever i thought bout it. and now, itz happening again!! i'll do anything to stay outta all these freaks' wayz. i'm mean, so wat? plz larrrr... get lost la.... u're fuckingly wasting ur time. dun make me hate u more than i do now. though i may not display it. fuck off la. leave me alone.
guyz, plz learn: this's not the way for u to show concern ok.
and he's hinting to treat me a meal if i'm still in college. wtf! meal from stalker is poison to me. i'll give any excuses, as long as i dun have anything to do with him. help me arrrrr!!!! can someone plz invent stalker-spray ah???
hope he doesnt read this and thinks itz him. i hate certain ppl, but i dun make enemies
going to zzz now. nitez