If i have a wish, it is to have him in front of me in person, singing to me my most favourite song by him: Ru Guo Wo Bian Chen Hui Yi (If i Became A Memory)
and part of it is granted today!!!!!! i am so H.A.P.P.Y!!!!
Today, there was an award show organised by Myfm in Genting Highlands. Tank was nominated for the best romantic song award. i was watching this through television anyway. and kept my fingers crossed and prayed hard that he'd win. and yes, he did!!!! omg i was so ecstatic i even stood and clapped for him(was in the restaurant, but who cares i'm his big big fan!!!!). after finishing his speech, he sang part of the song.
and a few secs later............... my phone rang
"Hello buddy! can u hear me?" (behind very noisy, and he was shouting through the line)
"yeah, i think so. but u need to speak louder!" (i shouted back)
it was my junior buddy. all the way from....
"Buddy, i'm in $%@*^& now!" (reception damn bad, cant hear where he was)
as i was "Har, i cant hear u!!" all the time, i heard something. something that almost brought me to tears.
i heard Tank's voice at the noisy background.
"OMG!!!! buddy, i heard him!!!!!!"
"haha, finally. yeah that's him. live from Genting for u."
i can tell u, that really makes my day. after one whole week, this really brings me great deal of joy. thank u buddy! u're such a considerate thing lol. din know u still remember me liking that song arigatou! listening to tank through the phone is million times better than seeing him on tv. i felt he's really that near to me. thanks for the call. thank u =)
SUPPORT TANK!! ur songs, talent and voice can bring hopes to ppl like me. i wish u the best. take care of ur health and continue to make wonderful music =)
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